Sandwich Recreation Department
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LEGO Master's Club Register View Cart

LEGO-Masters Club 
This class features All-things LEGO! Students will be introduced to LEGO's newest robotics kit, LEGO Spike Prime! They will be encouraged to code their robots to perform lot's of fun functions including robot races, "make it through the maze" and battle bots! In addition students will have a multitude of various loose LEGO's to design and build with and add to their robots. This is where fun and innovation meet!! ( Laptop or Chromebook required)

WHO: Grades 4 - 6
WHEN: Wednesday's 5:30PM - 6:30PM
WHERE: Oak Crest cove Hamilton hall ( 34 Quaker Meetinghouse Rd)
PRICE: $100 ( Resident) $110 ( Non Resident)

If you require modifications in order to participate in or to register for this program please call the Recreation Department at 508-888-4361. 

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Spring 2025 
N/A 4 - 6 04/30/2025 - 06/04/2025
05:30 PM - 06:30 PM

Oakcrest Cove - Hamilton Hall
$100.00 Res, $110.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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