Sandwich Recreation Department
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Gaga with transportation Register View Cart

Join us for this ALL NEW Indoor Gaga program!  Gaga is the absolute favorite part of summer camp and now we can play year round! 

Recreation Staff will transport your child to Center for Active Living Gym (70 Quaker Meetinghouse Rd ) where they will need to be picked up. 

WHO: Grades 3-6
WHEN: Thursday's immediately after school until 4:00PM 
WHERE: Center For Active Living Gym (70 Quaker Meetinghouse Rd)*** March 5th will be held at Oak Crest Cove ( 34 Quaker Meetinghouse Rd)
COST: $65 (Resident) $75(Non Resident)

  • Pick up will be OUTSIDE the gym at the Center for Active Living
  • Please provide your child with a nut free snack, and a drink!
  • Please remember to update pick up patrol allowing your child to be dismissed to the Recreation Department otherwise they will not be allowed to attend the program. 
  • Please note if Sandwich Schools are closed due to inclement weather we will not hold programs.  Our policy is to make up the class if two or more are missed.

4 kids playing gaga inside a school building with a yellow ball

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March/April 2025 
N/A 3 - 6 Th  03/06/2025 - 04/10/2025
02:45 PM - 04:00 PM

Oak Ridge School
$65.00 Res, $75.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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